Friday, January 7, 2011

coming up...

- a new design! i know you're probably tired of looking at my christmas design, but don't worry! i've already started on a new one that should go up this weekend!

- pictures of addison. lots of them. she doesn't like to stay still much, so it's difficult sometimes. but i can catch her every so often :)

- some of my recent designs! i've been working hard on them over break. i'm trying to get caught up before i start back at school (which is next thursday. where did christmas break go??). i closed my waitlist for now while i get caught up, but hopefully i'll be able to reopen it. we'll see how school goes and then i'll decide. i'll let you know though!

- a braces update! forgot that i have them? i forget sometimes, too. until addison knocks her big head into my mouth and then i remember. painfully remember. hopefully it will be a good update!

- tutorials! i'm going to do another post like my last one where you share what you'd like to know how to do on your blog!

that's all for now! check back this weekend for my new design!!