Friday, October 7, 2011

first day of preschool

well, yesterday was actually addison's first day of preschool. but since i also had school, her dad and my mom took her. so i missed out on the first drop off. i did get to go pick her up though!

so these pictures are a slight fib, since today is really her second day of preschool. but one day isn't that big of a deal, right? right.

i've seen this idea a few times before, most recently on harper's happenings. my mom is a bit of a chalkboard freak, which came in handy since i wanted to use small chalkboard for the info. addison said it was heavy {it really wasn't. she just likes saying things are heavy}. so she opted to sit with it. and then it wasn't so heavy when it was her idea to stand with it. things seem so much better when they're your idea!

she did great when she was dropped off yesterday {my mom gave me all the details} and today! she's been going to MDO for a little over a year, so she's used to going to "school". MDO was twice a week for 5 hours, and she's going twice a week to preschool, but just for a longer. it's more structured, with more learning and discovering and crafting and everything that an almost three year old could wish for.

i'm so proud of my pookie. she's growing up so fast. i can't believe she will be 3 next month. tear. it makes me happy and sad at the same time. i'm so happy to get to watch her grow up and become an amazing little girl, but it makes me so sad that she isn't my little baby anymore. but every day she learns something new and discovers new things and says new things and sings songs, and it's SO much fun. i'm just soaking it all in and enjoying it while she still likes playing and hanging out with her mommy :)


Anonymous said...

Your daughter is so adorable!!