this first questionnaire is 2009 in review.
1. What did you do in 2009 that you have never done before?
started a blog :)
2. Did you keep your New Year's resolutions and will you make more for 2010?
i don't remember if i even had any resolutions for 2009. i guess that tells you if i kept them. i don't know about resolutions...i just think i'll break them. i do have a few things i want to change, but no resolutions, per say.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth in 2009?
nope. i knew a bunch of people who had babies, but no one close to me.
4. Did anyone close to you die in 2009?
no. i'm very thankful for that.
5. What countries did you visit this year?
none. didn't get to take a vacation in 2009. bought a house instead :)
6. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
more money, more time, less stress. i don't think the days are going to get longer, but i'm working on the other two.
7. What date from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
november 21 - addison's first birthday. it was so much fun!
8. What was your biggest struggle in 2009?
balancing being a mommy and school. that struggle will continue until i graduate, but i think i'm doing pretty well balancing them. it's just hard sometimes.
9. Did you suffer any illness or injury in 2009?
i had a few sinus problems, but nothing serious. oh, and i fell off a ladder on the deck and had a huge nasty bruise on the back of my leg. that's about it!
10. What was the best thing you bought this year?
i have no money, so i don't buy anything. no job = no money.
11. Whose behavior merited celebration?
all of my friends and family. they always encourage me and support me.
12. Whose behavior disappointed you?
i can't really think of anyone that disappointed me. i guess that's a good thing.
13. Where did most of your money go?
my money didn't go to much. but chris's money went to bills and stuff for the house.
14. What did you get really really excited about in 2009?
moving into a house and addison turning 1.
15. What song will always remind you of 2009?
boom boom pow by black eyed peas
16. Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, much nicer or richer?
i would say much happier. you can ask chris about the much nicer :) and i haven't made any money, so i'm not richer.
17. What do you wish you had done more of?
slept. that's the one thing i miss.
18. What do you wish you had done less of?
stressing about small things
19. Did you fall in love in 2009?
nope. that happened in 2007 :)
20. What was your favorite TV Program in 2009?
(i have to agree with valerie on this one) GLEE!!!!
21. What was the best book you read this year?
just one book? i read so many books this year. well, it was a lot for me. i think i read 20 books. i was really proud of myself. all the books i read were either movies or tv shows. of course i read the twilight saga, which was awesome! i also read the trueblood series, and started watching the show. it was like twilight but for adults. i think my favorite book (just one) was the time traveler's wife.
22. What was your greatest musical discovery this past year?
hmmmm...i don't think i really discovered anything new this year. i can't think of anything right now, at least.
23. What did you want and get?
chris got my a pink mini laptop. i wanted one, but never thought i would get one!
24. What was the best movie you saw this year?
favorite. i have a hard time picking one. for a funny movie, i would say the hangover. really funny. i also really liked the time traveler's wife. i'm sure there are many more, but i can't think of them right now.
25. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn?
i had school on my birthday. we went out the night before, but nothing too exciting. i turned 20. this year will be my 21st, so it will be much more exciting!
26. What's one thing would have made your year more satisfying?
having no stress. but i don't think stress will ever go away. i'm ok with that, though. i can manage it!
27. How would you describe your personal fashion statement this year?
it was a kind of weird transition from being pregnant and then not being pregnant. my clothes didn't fit me the same way and i didn't really have money to buy other clothes. i think i made it work, though! i gained some of my self confidence back after losing some of the baby weight.
28. What kept you sane this year?
addison. even if i've had a horrible day, playing with her makes everything so much better!
29. What celebrity did you fancy the most?
bradley cooper. yummm
30. Who did you miss this past year?
all of my friends that were (and are) away at college.
31. Who were the best new people you met this year?
i loved meeting new bloggers. it's so fun to talk to people that don't live anywhere near you, but who you can connect with and feel close to. chris makes fun of me for having blog friends, but i love it :)
32. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year:
everything will work out. don't stress too much, and just take a deep breath if you get overwhelmed. i have to tell myself that quite often.
this next one is my 2010 wishlist, which i also stole from valerie.
1. One habit you'd like to break totally:
hand washing dishes. my mom keeps telling me that i should just use the dishwasher, but i just keep hand washing the dishes. it would make my life a whole lot easier. i just can't seem to do it! i know, that's totally weird.
2. One person you'd like to get to know better:
valerie :)
3. One random act of kindness that you'd like to make a habit this year:
surprising chris will small things.
4. Something that you'd like to own by the end of 2010:
i don't want anything big. i kind of want a sewing machine, but i don't know when i'd have the time to sew. we'll see! my mom has been teaching me some sewing things, and she has an old sewing machine that she said i can have, so i might get that and start making things!
5. Something that you'd like to get rid of by the end of 2010:
all of the junk that has piled up in our house.
6. One change you'd like to see in your life in 2010:
i want to be more self confident. that probably means i'll need to go to the gym a bit more, but i can do that.
7. One thing you'd like to memorize in 2010:
i'm not really the memorizing type. and i can't really think of anything i could memorize...sorry!
8. Something that you'd like to improve on in 2010:
managing my time.
9. Something new you'd like to learn in 2010.
i want to learn how to cook. not that i can't cook, i just don't have a wide variety of things i can cook. i want to broaden my cooking horizons.
10. Something you're looking forward to this year.
hopefully going on vacation. and my 21st birthday. and addison turning 2!
11. One thing you're going to make sure DOESN'T happen this year.
we spend too much money. we're going on a budget starting NOW.
12. One person that you want to be closer to this year.
one person?? i want to be closer to everyone! i want to be closer to my friends and my family.
13. One place you want to visit this year.
no where specific. i just want to take a vacation this year.
14. One thing that you'll move from 2009's to do list to 2010's to do list.
finishing the house. i still have to repaint the downstairs bathroom and the dining room. i'm not really worried about it, though. it'll get done.
15. One old acquaintance that you'd like to reconnect with this year.
i can't think of anyone i want to reconnect with. but i do want to make a lot of new friends this year!
feel free to steal these for your blog! it's ok, i did it :)
Yep Im gonna have to call you crazy about washing the dishes, cause I tell you what if I have to handwash one more dish in my life Im gonna have a cow. Our dishwasher is broke and you would think the world is ending around here, lol!!!
Great answers!! Ditto to Bradley Cooper :)
I'm flattered you want to get to know me better! I want to get to know you better too! We'll have to have some more text wars :)
Jennifer - i know, it's really weird. i kind of enjoy doing the dishes. if we lived close, i would totally come do your dishes :) hah!
Valerie - awww thanks!! we will definitely have some more text and email wars!! i love getting emails :)
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